Registrations and Approvals Project Case Study
CTS Case Study #: 61709
Unit Size: 12′ W x 28′ L x 12’8″ H
Unit Weight: 34,500 LBS
Flow Rate: 109 GPM
Opportunity: The unit required Canadian registraion for Saskatchewan, Canada and CSA electrical Field Certification HazLoc (SA) 2 approval of the single lube oil console.
Solution: The CRN requirements: Both Canada and the United States use the ASME Section VIII-1 code for pressure vessel construction, but Canada also has a CSA B51 standard that provides a more restrictive definition of what a pressure vessel is. Canada also registers fittings; items that, in other countries, would be considered too small to require registration. Likewise, they also register many piping systems in Canada. All vessels, fittings and piping systems need to be built under appropriate quality control programs. Knowing this at the time of procurement allowed us to obtain all the Saskatchewan CRNs required for the material.
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is a nonprofit association serving business, industry, government and consumers in Canada and the global marketplace. We purchased all electrical components with a CSA mark and paperwork in order to make the certification easier.